A Picture Is Worth A Thousand….

photo by you.

Certainly you have heard the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words,  but this T-shirt, modeled by Doug Hansen suggests that a picture could be worth a thousand pounds.

At a recent Scrappers game, Craig Antush, the official scorekeeper, ran to the bathroom.  When he got back to the pressbox, he was laughing uncontrollably about the heavy guy he saw in the hallway wearing this T-shirt that said, ‘I Beat Anorexia’.  The only other people in the press box on that particular night were myself and Scott Hansen, the scoreboard operator.  We both laughed at the thought.

Two seconds later there was a knock on the press box door, it was the guy with the T-shirt, who turned out to be Scott’s nephew!  Good times at Eastwood Field!

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